FEATURED in BizTimes: Kohler Credit Union Plans to Build New HQ
by La Macchia GroupMILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN -- Kohler Credit Union plans to build a new 30,000-square-foot headquarters in the Town of Sheboygan, north of the village of Kohler.

The current Kohler Credit Union headquarters.
The credit union plans to retain its existing 13,800-square-foot leased headquarters space at 850 Woodlake Road in Kohler, which also has a branch office, said Laura Gabrielse, senior vice president of communications and community development. Most of the staff there would be moved into the new headquarters, which will house about 80 employees to start.
Kohler plans to begin construction on the project in spring 2019, and open the new headquarters in summer 2020, Gabrielse said.
The new headquarters would not include a branch office, she said.